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Flight of a Swallow

Flight of a Swallow


Alima Jalloh-North,  a single mother of two,  has experienced many hardships in life. Yearning for love and affection, her vibrant personality always brings out a smile in others, yet that smile she pulls off masks so many untold stories of her childhood. Haunted by her past, she takes us on a journey of survival.  

Unspoken issues are addressed as she focuses on telling her story to help others see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Read her journey from Freetown,  Sierra Leone to Bournemouth,  discover the challenges she had to face to become the person she is today.

Similar to a swallow flying from one continent to another in seek of shelter,  Alima Jalloh-North reflects on exactly that: How she travelled across continents to seek the life she yearned for. Does she find it? Only stories that unfold will tell...


Poignant, honest and enlightening

For her first ever publication, Alima has done extremely well. She enraptured me in her writing, making me feel as though I was on her journey with her. Her personality really shines through her the pages! The integrated photographs really bring her experiences to life and I genuinely believe that a lot can be learnt from her. I highly recommend this book to anyone open to reading a story of love, resilience and hope.

Very strong woman who has come through so much as a young person. Comes across as a very honest account of a life which could of gone a very different way. Thought provoking read, recommended.

£15.99 - Coloured Version (Paperback): https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1082260843/refcm_sw_r_wa_awdb_imm_SYDZ2VQ47BJYESPR61TP

£12.99 - Black and White Version (Paperback)                                                                        https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alima-Jalloh-North-My-Autobiography-ebook/dp/B07VP93FJY

£4.99 - ebook                                                                                                              https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alima-Jalloh-North-My-Autobiography-ebook/dp/B07VP93FJY

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